What Can You Find Magnet Fishing

You can find pretty much anything made of metal such as Coins, knives, jewelry, and even guns that have been found by lucky magnet fishers. If you use a hook along with a magnet while fishing, you may also catch non-magnetic things. This is because the hook can snag onto anything it comes in contact with, including both magnetic and non-magnetic objects.

Of course, not every day will be a goldmine – sometimes you’ll only find a few nails or other small pieces of scrap metal.

But that’s all part of the fun! Who knows what you’ll find next when you cast your line into the great unknown?

What do people find with fishing magnets usually?

Most people find the usual things when they go fishing with a magnet. This includes coins, knives, jewelry, guns, keys, lost phones, and fishing hooks.

However, sometimes people are lucky enough to find more valuable and expensive items.

These could be ancient artifacts or other rare items.

Either way, it’s always exciting to see what you can find with magnet fishing.

Can you keep what you find magnet fishing?

If you’re new to magnet fishing, you might be wondering if it’s legal to keep what you find.

The answer is yes, in most cases you can keep what you find magnet fishing. However, there are some exceptions.

But there are a few things to consider before keeping what you find while magnet fishing.

First, is the item legal to possess? Second, is the item safe to keep? And third, does the item have sentimental value?

Is the item legal to possess?

Some items that are commonly found while magnet fishing, such as keys and coins, are perfectly legal to keep.

However, other items, like guns and knives, may be illegal to possess. It’s important to research the laws in your area before keeping anything you find.

Is the item safe to keep?

Even if an item is legal to possess, it may not be safe to keep.

For example, rusty nails and old cans may contain harmful bacteria.

If you’re unsure about an item’s safety, it’s best to err on the side of caution and dispose of it properly.

Does the item have sentimental value?

There are plenty of success stories out there of people finding sentimental items while magnet fishing.

One woman even found her grandfather’s watch, which had been lost for over 50 years.

Another magnet fisher found an urn containing ashes, which he was able to return to the grieving family.

However, you may find something more than just a memory while magnet fishing.

You can not keep someone’s property

For example, if you find an item that is identifiable as someone’s property (like a bike or a piece of jewelry with a name engraved on it), then you should return it to its rightful owner.

If you can’t find the owner, you can turn it in to the police.

Other than that, feel free to keep whatever treasures you find while magnet fishing!

As for abandoned property, this can be trickier. If an item appears to be abandoned (for example, if it’s rusted or covered in dirt), then you can usually keep it.

But if there’s any chance the item could be claimed by someone else, it’s best to err on the side of caution and give it to the authorities.

What to do with magnet fishing find?

If you’re lucky enough to find something while magnet fishing, you may be wondering what to do with it. Here are a few ideas:

1. Donate it to a local history museum. This is a great option if you find something that has historical value.

2. Sell it online at any marketplace. If you find something that’s rare or valuable, you could make some money by selling it online.

3. Keep it as a memento. If you find something that has personal significance to you, then keeping it as a memento is a great option.

4. Throw it back in the water. If you just want to throw it back, that’s fine too! You could even leave it there for someone else to find on their magnet fishing expeditions.

5. Gift it to family, friends, or the local magnet fishing community. If you find something that someone you know would appreciate, then this is a good option.

6. If you happen to find an item that you think may have been stolen, the best thing to do is return it to the owner.

By returning the item, you could potentially be saving someone a lot of money and hassle.

Of course, there are some instances where it may not be possible to return the item to the rightful owner.

In these cases, your next best option is to take the item to the police station. The police will then be able to investigate and try to locate the owner of the stolen property.

If you find a gun while magnet fishing, What to do?

If you find a gun while magnet fishing, the first thing you should do is call the police.

Do not try to move the gun or touch it in any way,

as it may be loaded and dangerous. Once the police arrive, they will safely remove the gun and dispose of it properly.

Knife or Drugs

If you find any other type of item while magnet fishing, such as a knife or drugs, you should also call the police.

These items may also be dangerous and should be handled by trained professionals.

Safety should be the first priority

Magnet fishing can be a fun and rewarding hobby, but it is important to always be safe and aware of your surroundings.

If you find anything suspicious or dangerous, do not hesitate to call the authorities.


You can find anything while magnet fishing. People have found all sorts of things by using magnets,

From coins to knives, and even bikes and guns. Magnet fishing is a great way to explore your local waters and find hidden treasures.

So get out there and start exploring.